The Latest Update: New Features

The Latest Update: New Features

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Exciting news for all Photopea enthusiasts – Version 2.2 is just around the corner! We've been hard at work to bring you an update packed with new features and improvements. Here's a sneak peek of what's coming:

  • AI-Powered Editing: Get ready to take your editing to new heights with our AI-powered tools. From automatic photo enhancements to intelligent object removal, you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.
  • Customizable Workspace: Tailor the app's workspace to your preferences with our new customization options. Arrange panels, toolbars, and windows exactly how you like them for a personalized editing experience.
  • Video Editing Support: That's right, we're introducing video editing capabilities to Photopea! Seamlessly edit your videos with the same ease and precision you've come to expect from our photo editing tools.
  • Collaboration Features: Collaborate with fellow creatives on projects with our new collaboration features. Share your work, receive feedback, and work together in real-time to create stunning edits.
  • Enhanced Export Options: We've expanded our export options, allowing you to save your creations in even more formats and sizes. Whether you're sharing on social media or printing your photos, we've got you covered.

Stay tuned for the release of Version 2.2 and get ready to unleash your creativity like never before with Photopea!